In 2016, Swayambhar Nari and NABARD had started their Wadi Project. The mission was to use non-cultivated, barren land in Birbhum area and convert them into fruit bearing orchards, so that local tribal population can locally earn their livelihood without migrating from the comfort of their home. NABARD entrusted the responsibility to Swayambhar Nari. Retired Govt. beurocrats and technocrats came forward to help Swayambhar Nari with their professional advice and expertise. Today in Rajnagar, the project is a thriving success story. Once started with 100 acres, today it crossed over 500 acres in terms of land acquisition, out of which all 500 acres are under active cultivation and will be turned into commercial orchards. Besides, distributing goats, imparting training on vermi-compost, organic kitchen farming, fisheries etc. are also a part of these projects. All produce like fruits, fertilizers, veggies, fish etc. will be marketed through Swayambhar Producer Company Pvt. Ltd. formed by Swayambhar Nari to turn beneficiaries into small entrepreneurs.