Date of registration – 14/03/2019
CIN of the company – U01114WB2019PTC230922
PAN no – ABBCS7416F
TAN no – CALS45628C
Small and marginal farmers are plagued with issues such as continued fragmentation of land and dwindling income. The concept behind FPOs is that the farmers can form groups and register themselves under the Indian Companies Act. Since small farmers often find it difficult to access markets on their own, aggregating farmers into the FPOs will help enable them improved market access and better bargaining capacity. Due to the rising cost of cultivation, lack of assured market, modern technologies, and quality inputs, the small and marginal landholders are not able to realize optimal productivity as also price for their produce. Through the FPOs, the farmers can have access to benefits such as quality agro-inputs and extension services. Through an FPO promoted by the PIA in the year 2019, with help from NABARD, few initiatives have been established. Especially like production of vermi-compost with near about 50 No of farmers, Mushroom cultivation unit being run by the women SHG members who used to control the entire process starting from spawn preparation to product harvesting and selling to the market. Though this TDF wadi project has been established in the year 2018 and Wadi plants fruiting is also not in its optimum stage.
FPO is the major component of the TDF Wadi project. This initiative is taken as a joint approach of individual beneficiaries where all the raw produce harvested from the fruit orchard has been taken to the FPO processing unit and after adding value, these product has been taken to market for selling at a reasonable price. Swayambhar Nari had already established an FPO (Swayambhar Producer Company Ltd.) with a Mushroom processing unit under their previous TDF project. Currently, they are engaging new members from the current wadi project under this existing FPO, which helps them to carry out smooth operational work. New members of wadi project had been included under the existing FPO from the initial years and currently, its registered members are 52 and 468 members are under registration process, excluding previous members of FPO. For creating ownership each and every FPO member contributed Rs 1000.00 as an individual membership amount (Share Capital) at the time of registration which also works as seed capital money for the FPO. Under the current FPO activities from the year 2020, they have been started selling vermi composts in the local market under a brand name "FULLORA".
DETAILS OF THE FPC BUSINESS Total Members directly involved -
Total capital invested - Capital invested from TDF project
Total Members directly involved - 20
Major activities – Mushroom seeds production and Raw mushroom production
Totally sold-out production in the last year – Rs. 41000.00
Yearly turn over – Rs. 41000.00
Profit percentile – 15-20%
Business development plan prepared – Work in progress
Total capital invested - Capital invested from TDF project
Total Members directly involved - 50
Major activities – To produce vermi compost manure
Totally sold-out production in the last year – Rs. 812310.00
Yearly turn over – Rs. 812310.00
Profit percentile – 7-12%
Business development plan prepared – Yes
Total capital invested- Capital invested from TDF project
Total Members directly involved - 10
Totally sold-out production in the last year – Rs. 334125.00
Yearly turn over – Rs. 334125.00 Profit percentile – 7-15%
Business development plan prepared – Work in progress
We are approaching to work more intensely with the input supply chain and for that, we already have contacted some of the companies for having a licenses and business opportunities with them. Total members presently are near about 520 we are trying to make this membership high in number. We are also planning to collaborate with TRIFED. They also are interested to collaborate with us. We already have conducted a 1st visit by the TRIFED officials at our project area already. Like the same, we are also in a conversation with some other agencies for businesses of lentil cultivation at our project area in a buyback system. That would also hopefully be started soon after the lockdown situation.